Greyhounds make terrific pets. They are affectionate, friendly dogs that thrive on attention and human companionship.
For most families, Greyhounds are ideal because they are usually tolerant of children and socialize well with other dogs as a result of their experience in the racing kennel.
Greyhounds have very little body fat and a thin coat, as a result they are not suited to live outdoors.
They prefer temperature controlled environments and soft beds where they can feel safe.
Most Greyhound males stand 26 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder, and weigh between 65 and 85 lbs.
Females stand 23 to 26 inches and weigh 50 to 65 lbs. Although the average Greyhound consumes up to 2 lbs.
of meat per day, they burn off excess weight when they run,
so they are usually thin and carry little body fat when they are retired.
With proper care, Greyhounds can live twelve or more years.
Adopted Greyhounds are often completely housebroken from the start.
In their racing kennels they are turned out 4 or more times daily to
relieve themselves and become accustomed to going outside for this purpose.
They may need to be taken out frequently at first, but they quickly learn that
their new home is to be kept clean and that they must go outside to relieve themselves.
Greyhounds love to run, but a leash assures them protection from injury.
Without a leash, they might run straight into traffic or hurt themselves in other ways.
Because they are accustomed to being walked and exercised on a leash,
Greyhounds adapt well to this safety measure and should always be kept on a leash.
Not at all! They can range in color from fawn (golden) to black, or brindle,
and almost anything in between!
Greyhounds wear muzzles while racing to identify themselves so racing officials
can determine the outcome of a photo finish and to protect themselves from injury.
The only time your retired racer would need to wear a muzzle is when they are running
and playing with other greyhounds. Greyhounds have very thin skin and a playful nip can cause skin tears.
The muzzles help prevent these play injuries.